Saturday, November 15, 2014

1 + His Goodness = Content

I have not done singleness well.

I've spent a lot of time wondering when I will get married and to whom. I’ve looked for love in wrong places, been angry at God for not giving me someone to be with and made really bad relationship choices to keep from being lonely. I’ve tried to control the matter by joining every online dating service known to man and forcing people to set me up with their friends. Briefly, very briefly, I swore off men, deciding I didn’t need them at all ever again.

All the while, I couldn’t understand why God – who is supposed to be good – would allow me to go through this life alone and keep me from being in a relationship. “You gave Adam a companion, why not me?”

Then the math-lover in me realized something wasn’t adding up. Either God wasn’t actually good, or I was looking at this all wrong. Since God has proven himself to be good - in scripture, among my friends and in other areas in my own life – then I had it wrong. There must be a way to be content in singleness.

And so I have begun, slowly and methodically, to understand how I got to this place of discontent and how to get to a place of satisfaction – where I can embrace and enjoy this life God has given to me, living it to the fullest.

I’m not there yet, but I am getting closer.